
5 Essential Oils for Winter

5 Essential Oils for Winter

Hey, you guys, it’s Alisha from @folkandco! I’m sitting here in my sweats, bundled in a blanket, debating whether or not I should put a hat on because it is cold right now. Like those -30 windchills some of us are getting?? I’m crying. BUT it turns out it may be helping our ash trees so I’ll try and cry a little bit less about it.

Maybe some of you love the winter--but I don’t. I need the sun. I need water. I need bare feet and I need adventures. Winter makes me wilt, especially when I can’t get outside. And TBH essential oils aren’t going to solve all your winter blues, but here are a few I’m using to help me get through the rest of winter:

1. Magnolia: I’m not normally a fan of floral smelling oils, but Magnolia is an exception. I’m pretty sure heaven smells like magnolia and peonies...and probably lilacs. Magnolia is really good for the winter-wilts; apply it over your heart in the morning and evening - and I usually get a little extra to put some mid-day as well. You can also use it with your moisturizer as it’s good for the skin! Oh, and if you get a cough--put magnolia over your throat. You’ll smell amaze and your throat will be soothed. Win-win.

essential oils, magnolia, natural healing, winter, skin care

2. Patchouli: Patchouli is another oil that gets me… and just gets me through winter--I love to pair it with Magnolia. Fun fact: it’s related to sage! So instead of burning endangered white sage, you can start diffusing patchouli! And even though a lot of people don’t like the smell of patchouli, it’s actually been shown to be effective in alleviating flu-symptoms (source) and has grounding properties as well. Because I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I’m trying to claw my way out during the winter haha. Add a drop to your pillow, before bed or diffuse with ylang-ylang and clary sage as well.

3. Frankincense: Frankincense is another great oil for helping to level out your mood in the winter. If you have a reputable brand, you can take a drop under your tongue each morning. I just add a drop to my morning face routine! Lifts my mood and evens out my skin!

essential oils winter

4. Turmeric: Turmeric is another must have to get you through winter. I didn't realize it, but last year I stopped laughing every day. And I don't mean laughing once a week when I watch a show or hang out with my bffs. Not the type of laughing that comes because I'm nervous or I'm mad, or sad-- yes, I'm that person that laughs at inappropriate times because they're uncomfortable--But laughing because I felt free. Laughing because it doesn't feel like there was something heavy sitting on my chest. And it didn't make sense...

Until I read that TURMERIC can boost your dopamine which encourages laughter. (source). More on this in my podcast episode here.

I’ve been taking two drops internally morning and night every day for the past few weeks.

essential oils for winter, skin care, natural health

5. Arborvitae: Lastly, I do not know what I would do in the winter without arborvitae. And I’ll be honest, I don’t love the smell. In fact, the smell kind of makes me want to gag. However, I used it to get rid of lice or mites or whatever the heck was on my chickens one year, so I’ve kept stock of one ever since. This is a great oil for those really hard to get rid of sore throats. I pair it with Siberian fir mostly to help mask the smell of arborvitae - two drops of each and apply over my throat. Also, pretty sure I got the flu on Christmas last year and nothing was helping with my body aches--except arborvitae--and my recovery time was so quick!

What essential oils do you recommend for the winter? Share and tag @shopnaturesupply and @folkandco!

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